LivingStones is currently supported by volunteers who work alongside our employed staff to help customers and visitors to the centre to find what they need and to be available to talk and pray with those who may request it.

We have a great core group of volunteers who typically make themselves available for a specific half day slot on Tuesday to Friday.

We are looking to expand our opening days to include Mondays and so we are looking for volunteers to work in the shop on Monday morning and afternoon, as well as support that you could provide Tuesday to Friday.

Shop Volunteers are responsible for:

  • Greeting and helping customers to find what they are looking for
  • Support to our employed staff pricing items or preparing book boxes
  • Manning and operating the till
  • Ensuring that Coffee and Tea are available in our drop-in zone
  • Showing hospitality to the visitors to the centre/shop and being willing to pray with/for them
We are looking for people who care passionately about the work of the centre and feel called to serve visitors to the centre.

If you think that you fit the bill, please fill in the application form below. Because we are joint outreach representing the Christian Community in Fleet, you should be in regular attendance of one of our local Churches, and we may take up references from your minister.

[contact-form-7 id=”1378″ title=”Volunteer to work in the shop”]